Thursday, March 29, 2007


As promised in last post, pictures from the last few weeks:

Here, this is what we call 'getting a lift to work'.

Before colour telephones everyone talked in black and white.

I think this sign means "Use a pregnancy test to unlock your potential children."

The boys on the Killington trip. I need a hair-cut.

The rental car... I think this was moments before we realised the stupid thing was out of fuel and then participated in around an hour-long session of 'The Waiting game', which mainly involved sitting and waiting.

During one of our many archaeological digs, we found this well preserved specimen. This discovery has aided our understanding of how the 'Lifties' of the past may have existed in such harsh conditions.

Organising shite...

On the left: Broken board
On the right: New, new unbroken board.
You can see the light reflecting off the crack on the old board going across the top from left to right up to the logo...

Anyways, it's late and I'm tired. Spent the entire day not being at work. Instead stayed home and finalised and reconfirmed my flight and worked on accommodation and job-type stuff...

4 days till England and Charlotte! w00t!

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